I really wanted to write a personal speech, and the eulogy, so this was the personal speech I read for him.
After the toys got a little old and we lost our passion for fighting against good and evil we started socializing with my friends, playing hide-and-go-seek tag at the park behind our house, cops and robbers, and my favorite; Flashlight Tag. Whenever it was nice out we would get kicked out of the house because according to my dad “Its beautiful outside, now get out!” but for the most part I loved and still love being outside with my friends, and as it turns out my friends were Jared’s friends.
As we got older it got harder to play outside with friends anymore because of school work and house chores just never seemed to end. So I would talk to Jared a lot more than I ever have before, he became my best friend. When Chick-Fil-A opened all we ever did was take walks up to there and talk about the weather, talk about his girlfriend, talk about school and talk about problems. A girl said this, some jock did that, but it quickly evolved from little things to completely mean and obnoxious things done to my brother. When I heard how some jock said something mean to Jared I just wanted to punch them across the face but I knew two things; I’m not strong and I would so get beat up! So I just told Jared to ignore them.
When we got older and matured a little I started to realize that I can’t solve every problem in the world, and Jared would remind me that everyday. Instead of I want to get a bag of skittles which could easily be solved by me buying a bag, it was; I want this girl to like me but she just doesn’t wanna give me the time of day. But whenever I did tell Jared about my problems its like he was trouble shooting my life; Well did you compliment her? What did you say about her eyes? You said that! I cannot believe you said that. And so on, he always made me laugh with all the goofy compliments he could think of.
The last things we would do together would be occasionally playing video games, or me driving around with him. Whatever the case I always loved it. Whenever Jared was in the car I would drive fast because I wanted him to have a good time and loosen up a little. He would always question the fact that I even passed my drivers test but I would just laugh. Over the years we seemed to have lost touch as brothers and it really sucked.
Its only been a couple of days and I miss Jared more than ever, I keep thinking that maybe if we don’t touch his room and leave the door open that he’ll come back, or that if we move to a smaller house if he does come back he won’t feel welcome, I just don’t feel like I can come to terms with things right now, and feel like an idiot whos lost track of reality. I always thought that someday when Jared got married I’d be his best man and he’d be mine, but now I can only imagine, just like we did when we were little kids. Imagine. I’ve lost my brother and I miss him so very much. I love you Jared and until I see you again I’ll just have to imagine...`
u r a beautiful person...